What is DNS, how does it work, and how we protect it against DDoS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) serves as a cornerstone of the internet, quietly operating behind the scenes to link website names entered into search boxes with their corresponding IP addresses—a string of numbers far beyond human memory capabilities.

What is DNS?

Though typing an IP address directly into a browser remains an option, the preference for user-friendly domain names is evident. DNS stepped in to replace an unsustainable manual matching process, which in the early internet days tasked one individual—Elizabeth Feinler at Stanford Research Institute—with maintaining a master list of all internet-connected computers. In 1983, Paul Mockapetris introduced DNS, a scalable and automated system facilitating domain-name-to-IP-address translation.

DNS has a distributed design, allowing multiple servers to distribute the workload. With over 342 million registered domains, a centralized directory would prove impractical. Instead, domain name servers globally share information, ensuring updates and eliminating redundancies.

Performance optimization is another key aspect of DNS's design. Distributing requests among numerous servers prevents bottlenecks. Consider the scenario where worldwide requests to resolve the domain name "Google" were funneled to a single location—DNS information sharing among multiple servers mitigates this issue. Consequently, a single domain may have multiple IP addresses, directing users to different servers based on their geographic location.

How does DNS operate?

When a computer seeks the IP address associated with a domain name, it initiates a DNS query through a DNS client. This query cascades through recursive resolvers, ultimately reaching authoritative name servers that possess the necessary information to fulfill the request.

DNS operates through a hierarchical structure. An initial DNS query for an IP address is made to a recursive resolver. This search leads to a root server, which has information about top-level domains (.com, .org,  .net), as well as country domains. Root servers are located all around the world, therefor the DNS system routes the request to the closest one. Once the request reaches the correct root server, it goes to a top-level domain server (TLD nameserver), which stores information for the second-level domain, which is the words that you type into a search box. The request then goes to a domain nameserver, which looks up the IP address and sends it back to the DNS client device so it can visit the appropriate website. All of this takes milliseconds.

About DNS numbering system

Any devices connected to the Internet needs to have a unique IP address in order to have traffic properly routed to it. The DNS numbering system translates human queries into numeric values using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv4 utilizes 32-bit integers expressed in decimal notation, while IPv6 employs 128-bit-sized numbers, significantly expanding the address space. The string of numbers is divided into multiple sections - the network component, the host and the subnet. The network part designates the class and category of network that is assigned to that number. The host identifies the specific machine on the network. The subnet part of the number is optional but is used to navigate the extremely large number of subnets and other partitions within a local network.

Indetifying your DNS server

Determining one's DNS server is relatively straightforward, typically established by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, users can opt for alternative public DNS servers like Google's (IP address: for recursive resolution. Of course, there are many others that can be used.

DNS and security

Despite its critical function, DNS is vulnerable to cyber threats. DNS attacks, including amplification, spoofing, tunneling, and hijacking, continue to rise, prompting concerns about DNS infrastructure security.

The 2021 IDC survey of over 1,000 companies in Europe, North America, and APAC, showed that 87% of them had experienced DNS attacks. The average cost of each attack was around $950,000 for all regions and about $1 million for organizations in North America.

DNSSec, a security protocol developed by ICANN, aims to improve DNS security by validating requests and preventing hijacking. Also, the emergence of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) signals a significant shift in DNS protocol. However, while DoH encrypts DNS requests, enhancing privacy and security, its adoption faces challenges, including concerns about network monitoring and parental controls.

DNS and DDoS security

DNS servers are prime targets for DDoS attacks due to their critical role in translating website names into IP addresses and the massive impact it can have on ones business.  To give an example,  one of the most popular DDoS attack directed against a major DNS provider took place in October 2016, when a large and well distributed DDoS attack targeted Dyn, one of the main global DNS providers. This attack caused widespread outages for many popular websites, including Twitter, Reddit, or Spotify, by overwhelming their servers with a massive flood of traffic. This attack highlighted the vulnerability of DNS providers and the cascading effects such attacks can have on a big portion of Internet.  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDoS_attacks_on_Dyn).

Here are some of the most popular DDoS attacks used against DNS:

Volumetric Attacks: these overwhelm the DNS server with a massive flood of traffic, like a giant data wave. This makes the server overloaded and unable to respond to legitimate requests.

DNS Amplification Attacks:  these exploit vulnerabilities in third-party servers to amplify the attack traffic. Attackers send small requests to vulnerable servers configured to respond with much larger replies, directing those responses towards the DNS server. This magnifies the attack's impact significantly.

UDP Floods: these bombard the DNS server with User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets, a connectionless protocol that doesn't require confirmation from the receiving end. This consumes server resources and disrupts its ability to handle legitimate queries.

Cache Poisoning Attacks:  these aim to manipulate the DNS cache by injecting false information. If successful, users trying to access a website might be redirected to a malicious one instead.

These are just some of the common methods, and attackers are constantly developing new techniques.

How Path Network protects DNS efficiently

At Path Network, we've developed a bespoke, multi-layered DDoS security solution tailored specifically for DNS servers. Our comprehensive approach includes:

1. Volumetric DDoS Automatic Filtering - utilizing standard ACL rules at the network edge, we implement intelligent rate-limiting for the most common DDoS vectors, effectively mitigating approximately 85-90% of the attack volume. Additionally, our proprietary adaptive filtering technology targets UDP-based attacks, automatically blocking them with high efficiency while not generating false positives. This is particularly crucial for securing UDP-based applications like DNS server traffic.

2. Global Stateful Firewall - our cloud stateful firewall deployed over all 20 PoPs, allows you to create a customized cybersecurity profile for each unique IP address within your network. For example, if your DNS server is hosted at IP address, our tool enables you to selectively permit UDP traffic specifically destined for port 53, while blocking any other unauthorized traffic. Any rule you create in the firewall is synchronized over the entire network and your traffic is always prefiltered accordingly, before reaching your network.

whitelisting DNS traffic in the cloud stateful firewall
UDP hole punching for DNS in customer dashboard 

3. Custom-Built eXpress Data Path (XDP) DDoS Filter for DNS Server Traffic - The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is registered in the RFC (Request for Comments) documents by the IETF  - https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt. Recognizing the critical importance of adhering to standardized DNS protocols, our team has engineered an XDP-based DDoS filter specifically tailored for DNS. This filter meticulously inspects incoming traffic, ensuring strict compliance with the DNS protocol as outlined in RFC documentation. Customers can easily configure and activate the DNS Server filter via our intuitive dashboard, specifying the IP address, port (e.g., 53), and UDP protocol they wish to protect.

DNS XDP filter applied

By seamlessly integrating these three layers of defense, our DDoS mitigation solution is truly efficient in safeguarding your DNS server against malicious attacks. As a testament to our technological prowess, Path Network proudly secures the infrastructure of numerous leading global DNS service providers.

Ready to fortify your DNS infrastructure against the ever-evolving DDoS threat? Contact us now at sales@path.net to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards enhancing your cybersecurity posture.